المحتوى العلمى - الفرقة الرابعة
مواد الفرقة الرابعة –علوم حاسب
2411 Data Security حماية بيانات
Basic encryption and decryption: Different types of ciphers, characteristics of good ciphers, crypt analysis. Secure encryption systems: Hard problems & complexity. Properties of arithmetic, public-key systems, single-key systems and the data encryption standard (DES), enhancing cryptographic security. Information accesses problems, viruses and worms, controls against attack, operating system control, administrative controls. Design of secure operating systems: Models of security, penetration of operating systems, examples of security in general purpose operating systems. Database security: reliability and integrity, sensitive data, the inference problem, multilevel data security. Personal computer security: Security measures, protection for files, copy protection. Computer network security and communication security.
2412 Advanced Database قواعد بيانات متقدمة
Distributed database design, mapping users transactions to distributed level. Optimization of accesses strategies. The management of distributed transaction. Distributed concurrence control, recovery in distributed database. Distributed database administration. Commercial systems. Data clustering. Market basket analysis. Data cleaning. Data visualization. Information storage and retrieval : Characters, strings, coding, text. Documents, electronic publishing, markup, and markup languages. Tries, inverted files, PAT(Patricia) trees, signature files, indexing. Morphological analysis, stemming, phrases, stop lists. Term frequency distributions, uncertainty, fuzziness, weighting. Vector space, probabilistic, logical, and advanced models. Information needs, relevance, evaluation, effectiveness. Thesauri, ontology, classification and categorization, metadata.
2413 Artificial intelligence ذكاء صناعي
Artificial and Human intelligence, knowledge representation, model based reasoning, frames. Inference techniques: Implication, forward and backward chaining, inference nets, predicate logic, quantifiers, resolution, and unification. Rule based systems: Inference engine, production systems, problem solving, planning, decomposition, and basic search techniques. AI languages, Prolog: Objects and relations, compound goals, backtracking, search mechanism, dynamic databases and, automated reasoning. AI based computer systems: Sequential and parallel inference machines, relation between AI and artificial neural nets, fuzzy systems.
2414 Elective- II C.S اختياري -II ع ح
• Bioinformatics
Bioinformatics is a broad term covering the use of computer algorithms to analyze biological data. This course introduce bioinformatics, bridge with other subjects, history, evolution, difference between bioinformatics and computational biology. The course will also cover some of the common algorithms underlying some fundamental topics in bioinformatics as: sequencing antibiotics, assembling genomes, comparing DNA and protein sequences, finding regulatory motifs, analyzing genome rearrangements, identifying proteins and, how one can locate disease-causing mutations.
• Neural Network:
Introduction and a historical review: Overview of neuro-computing, history of neuro-computing. Neural network concepts: Basic definition, connections, processing elements. Learning laws: Self-adaptation equations, coincidence learning, performance learning, competitive learning, filter learning, spatio-temporal learning. Associative networks: Data transformation structures, Linear association network, learn matrix network, recurrent associative networks. Mapping networks: Multilayer data transformation structures, the mapping implementation problem, Kolmogorov’s theorem, the back-propagation neural network, self-organizing map, counter propagation network. Spatiotemporal, stochastic, and hierarchical networks: Spatio-temporal pattern recognizer neural network, the Boltzman machine network, and the neuro-cognition network.
• Embedded System:
Embedded system and firmware. Basic concepts of Embedded systems; Organizational aspects of embedded systems; Programming and software aspects of embedded systems ; Applications and case studies.
2415,2425 Project مشروع*
The subject is Final Year BSc group project, which is essentially an exercise for independent study and work, which must be executed and reported on to a satisfactory standard. The project is extended over the year. It provides students with the experience of planning and implementing his plan. The module aims to encourage and reward creativity, initiative, clarity of communicating ideas and application of effort. A wide range of tasks can be undertaken, but almost always leading to the implementation of a computer application. Students are allowed to choose among a number of projects suggested. On the behavioural side, students are allowed to work in a team so as to practice working in a collaborative environment. The project is presented with a proper documentation and presentation procedure.
2421 Distributed computer Systems الحاسبات الموزعة
Introduction to parallel and distributed architectures. Models of computation: SISD, SIMD, MISD, and MIMD Computers. Shared-memory SIMD computers. Interconnection-network SIMD Computers: Linear array, two-dimensional array, tree connection, perfect shuffle connection, cube connection. Analyzing algorithms. Some parallel computer algorithms: selection, merging, sorting and searching. Parallel programming languages. Parallel compilers. Parallel operating systems.
2422 Pattern Recognition التعرف علي الأنماط
The classification and identification problem; Bayes’ rule; Parameter estimation; Statistical decision making: Classifier types; measures of classification performance and measures of classification risk; Parametric and non-parametric decision making: Adaptive discriminate functions; Minimum squared error discriminate functions; Clustering techniques: Hierarchical clustering, Partitioning clustering; Support vector machine. Other PR systems: Syntactic pattern recognition; Application examples.
2423 Human Computer interface (HCI) الموائمة بين الإنسان و الحاسب
A term used to describe the interaction between the user and a computer, the method by which the user tells the computer what to do and the responses which the computer makes. This include; relationship between people and machine, the role of human factors and psychology. Motivation for usability. Principles of interaction, interface design issues. Command languages, menus, windows, icons, error messages, response time. Physical interaction, devices, interaction styles and techniques. The design process and user models. Interface evaluation, rapid prototyping, iterative refinement. Natural language and voice interfaces.
2424 Software Engineering-II هندسة برمجيات 2
Critical systems: dependability, critical systems specification, critical systems development. Verification and validation: software testing, critical system validation. Management: managing people, software cost estimation, quality management, processing improvement. Evolution: legacy systems, software change, software re-engineering. Configuration management.
2425 Elective III (cs): اختياري III- ع .ح
Selected Topics in Computer Science:
This course aims at introducing students to novel topics in computer science that need to be identified in a responsive manner as technology and its use evolve and develop. This course is essentially a flexibility enhancing and will be filled on periodically.
مواد الفرقة الرابعة – نظم معلومات
3411 Information Systems security: تأمين نظم المعلومات
This course introduces the concepts and issues related to securing information systems and the development of policies to implement information security controls. Topics include: Common threats to information, Basic cryptography, trusted systems and security models, Key management for secure network, Secure network protocols, Program security (Malicious code: viruses, worms, Trojan horses). Attacks and defences on computer system (firewalls, intrusion detection, countermeasure, Intrusion-prevention system). Trusted Operating system, Developing security plan for a system and, Computer crimes.
3412 Data Warehouses مستودعات البيانات
The course syllabus include: Architected environment, data integration and, data modelling. Data warehouse (DW) environment, DW design and phases of building. Granularity in DW, Technology effect on DW, distributed DW, DW and EIS, DW vs. Data Marts and OLAP, metadata and external data, DW web support. Knowledge discovery in DW.
3413 Decision Support Systems نظم دعم اتخاذ القرار
An overview of decision support systems (DSS), a definition of decision support systems, decision support systems characteristics, a brief example of a decision support system, some differences between MIS and decision support systems, decision support systems levels, institutional and ad hoc decision support systems. Operating and evolving a decision support systems, application of decision support systems and, selection of decision support systems. DSS in probabilistic environment. Decision tree. Discussion and analysiss of real life case study
3414 Elective- II IS اختياري -II ن م
• Operation Research 2:
Theoretical notions: Crisis definition, classification of crises, definition of disaster, problem definition. Crisis management centers: Organization, tasks, routine work, implementation cycle. Planning of potential crises: Information role, scientific management of potential crises. Disasters: Types, measures before, during and after disaster, Co-ordination among different instruments of the state during disaster recovery.
• Information storage & Retrieval:
In this course is concerned with design and implementation of text-based and Web-based information retrieval systems. It include: information retrieval models, efficient text indexing, Boolean, vector space and probabilistic retrieval models, Relevance feedback, Document clustering and text categorization, Web search, including crawling, indexing, and link-based algorithms. Retrieval effectiveness measure. Data file structures and visualization for information are introduced.
• Data Mining:
Knowledge discovery in databases data mining process, Data cleaning and preparation, Mining association rules, Classification, Prediction, Clustering, web mining, Applications of data mining, Mining advanced databases.
3415,3425 Project مشروع*
The subject is Final Year BSc group project, which is essentially an exercise for independent study and work, which must be executed and reported on to a satisfactory standard. The project is extended over the year. It provides students with the experience of planning and implementing his plan. The module aims to encourage and reward creativity, initiative, intellectual discipline, clarity of communicating ideas and application of effort. A wide range of tasks can be undertaken, but almost always leading to the implementation of an CBIS system. Students are allowed to choose among a number of projects suggested. On the behavioural side, students are allowed to work in a team so as to practice working in a collaborative environment. The project is presented with a proper documentation and presentation procedure.
3421 Simulation & Modelling محاكاة ونمذجة
Basic simulation modelling. Nature of simulation. System models & simulation, discrete event simulation. Simulation of a single-server queuing system. Simulation of an inventory system. List processing in simulation. Simulation languages. Simulation of time sharing systems. Simulation output data and stochastic processes. Building valid and credible simulation models. Principles of valid simulation modelling. Verification of simulation computer programs. An approach for developing valid & credible simulation models. Statistical procedures for computing real-world observation & simulation output data. Some practical considerations: Selecting input probability distributions. Random number generators. Generating random variables. Output data analysis for a single system.
3422 Geographic Information System نظم المعلومات الجغرافية
To introduce students to applied methods and techniques for generating, managing, and analyzing spatial information using full featured geographic information systems to generate, process, organize, and analyze complex spatial databases, spatial data transformation, managing vector and raster data in the geographic database; building and maintaining a geographic database topology; maintaining data integrity through subtypes, attribute domains, and relationship classes; and sharing geographic database schema. Advanced understanding for modelling and working with linear features in the geographic database. how to manage GIS project.
3423 E-Commerce التجارة الاليكترونية
The course addresses what electronic commerce is, how it is being conducted and managed, and its major opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks. It introduce applications, supporting electronic commerce, infrastructure, and security problem. advanced topics like global electronic commerce and future directions. It emphasizes E-Commerce Application and Implementation through Business Models and Technology Essentials.
3424 Enterprise Information System: نظم معلومات المؤسـسات
This course is to introduce students to the design and implementation of functional information systems from point of functional perspective. It include basic concepts & terminologies, Enterprise Information System (EIS) Model, Key System Applications in an Enterprise, Major Types of Information Systems in an enterprise from a function prospect, Cross-Functional Business Processes, extension to outside the enterprise and how Information Systems can be integrated into a wider E-business/Web-Enabled DB business model. Enterprise resource planning (ERP): features, business and technical benefits, challenges and, implementation. Application with SAP and ASAP.
3425 Elective III (IS): إختياري 3ن م
• Selected Topics in Information systems-3
This course aims at introducing students to novel topics in information systems that need to be identified in a responsive manner as technology and its use evolve and develop. This course is essentially a flexibility enhancing and will be filled on periodically.