المحتوى العلمى - الفرقة الأولى
1111 Tech. Eng. Language I لـغـة إنـجـليزية I *
The course aims to enrich English vocabulary in the branch of computer science and practice grammar to extend learner’s existing knowledge ; Analysis of syntax ; comprehension ; Skimming and scanning exercises develop the learners skills ; comprehension questions interpretation and implication ; speaking and writing skills through a communicative ; functional approach ; with suggested topics about the branch of computer science.
1112 Probability and Statistics* إحصاء واحتمالات*
Sample space; probability axioms; combinational techniques; conditional probability; independence and Bayes theorem; Random variables; distribution functions; moments and generating function; Some probability distributions; Joint distribution ; The central limit theorem and sampling distribution. Sampling; Estimation theory ; estimation mean, linear regression ; correlation; Chi square test, and F distribution ; Applications.
1113 Mathematics – 1 رياضيات - 1
Limits and continuity, Differentiation, trigonometric functions; Applications of differentiation; Integration; Techniques of integration; Applications of integration .
1114 Physics فيزياء
An introduction to electricity and magnetism covering the electric field, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance, dc circuits, magnetic fields, Faraday's and Ampere's laws, time-varying fields, Maxwell's equations and alternating currents.
1115 Computer Programming* بـرمــجــة حاسب*
Introduces students to computer and computer programming. Development of good programming style and basic skills of designing, coding, debugging, and programs documentation. Topics covered include the general characteristics of computers, techniques of problem solving, decision structure, repetition structures. Top-down and stepwise refinement. algorithm specification, and the debugging and testing of computer programs in high level language ( as C++ language). Procedures and functions. Structured data types: arrays, sets, records, files: text files, random handling files. Dynamic data structures (pointers). Advanced programming techniques including application of arrays and advanced input/output operations. The course focuses on advanced topics including graphics, handling files and, streaming. STL library are introduced. Students design, implement, and test a number of moderately large programs.
1116 Introduction to Computer Science مـقـدمـة عن علوم الـحـاسب
The course is a broad perspective of computer science concepts intended as preparation for more in-depth coverage in higher-level courses. This course will introduce the student to understanding the components of computer and computer system; the use of the computer to process information; purchasing and maintaining a personal computer system; understanding the technology of the Internet; and social and ethical implications of computing. Operating system concepts and data communication are introduced. The following applications are covered: Operating systems, word processing and spreadsheets, presentation software and Internet resources. Labs provide experience with the concepts covered in the lectures.
1122 Human Right حقوق الانسان
Introduction, human rights in the Roman empire and other ancient civilizations, human rights in Islam, analysis of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights together with freedoms and liberties protected by various constitutions, the framework and evolution of international human rights law within the system established by the United Nations Organization, relation to its antecedents, establishing documents, processes of norm creation and application, and present methods and activities of monitoring.
1124 Mathematics - 2 رياضيات - 2
Indeterminate forms; Taylor’s formula and improper integrals; Infinite series; Fourier series and Fourier integral ; parametric curves and vectors in the plane ; vectors, curves and surfaces in space; Binomial theorem ; Partial fractions; Partial different ion.
1126 Electronics الكترونيات
This course, introduces students to concepts and fundamental analysis techniques of linear electric circuits. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to analyze straight forward linear ac and dc circuits containing resistors, inductors, capacitors, and both independent and dependent electrical sources in order to determine current, voltage, power, and energy values. The basic analysis laws (e.g. KVL, KCL), Network theorems (e.g. Thevenin's, Norton's Millman's etc), and analysis methods (e.g. nodal, mesh) are covered in detail. Transient and steady state analysis of RL, RC and RLC circuits are taught. Also introduces AC steady-state analysis, frequency domain representation of signals and transfer functions.
1127 Basics of Information Systems مبادئ نظم المعلومات
The theoretical foundations of information systems as: systems concept; features; input, output, types, components, life cycle, development standard, representation, analysis, modelling, design, security and performance measures . E-Business, E-Government, E-Commerce, E-Learning are introduced.