المحتوى العلمى - الفرقة الثالثة
مواد الفرقة الثالثة –علوم حاسب
2311 Communication Skills مهارات الاتصال
The course introduces students to theories of communication and how to communicating with diverse audiences. The course focuses on written communications like letters, executive summaries, proposals and business reports. Report writing as practiced in the application of computers to do business data processing. The course also focuses on oral communications including listening, presentation skills, interviewing, meetings, and interpersonal communication. Course content also includes note about the importance of communication in team building.
2312 Software Engineering (1) هـنـدسـة الـبـرمـجـيــات ( 1)
Overview of software engineering, software requirement: requirement engineering processes, system models, software prototyping. Design: architecture design, distributed system architecture, object oriented design, user interface design.
2313 Data Communications تراسل بيانات
Network structure, network architecture, the ISO reference model, examples of networks. Network topology: Connectivity analysis, delay analysis, backbone design, local access network design. The physical layer: The theoretical basis for data communication, the telephone system, transmission and multiplexing, terminal handling errors. The data link layer: Elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols, analysis of protocols. The network layer: Virtual circuits and data-grams, routing algorithms, satellite packet broadcasting. Local networks: Carrier sense networks, ring networks, shared memory systems. The transport and session layers: Transport protects design issues, interconnection of packet-switching networks. The presentation layer: network security and privacy, text compression, virtual terminal protocols, file transfer protocols. The application layer: Distributed data base systems, distributed computations.
2314 Systems Analysis & Design (1) تحليل وتصميم النظم (1)
Fundamental concepts, system definition, user definition, the different types of users, communication gap, system analyst, system management, structure system analysis, system analysis tools data flow diagram (DFD), data dictionary, English structure, decision tables, decision trees. The system life cycle, problem definition and modules, feasibility studies. Source and destination of data, stores, development plan, analysis phase, IPO chart, generating alternatives. Design methods, automation boundary, alternative implementations, system flow chart, system components, cost/benefit analysis, implementation schedule, physical elements, programs, files, manual procedure and training, forms. Analysts recommendation, logic of the process, detailed design, identifying options, system control program, screens, reports and files, test plan, implementation and maintenance.
2315 Computer Graphics رسم بالحاسب
Introduction to computer graphics: History, applications, and graphics system software. Output primitives: Points, lines, circles, ellipses, character generation. Attributes of output primitives: Color and intensity, area filling, character attributes. Two-dimensional transformations: Basic transformations; translation, scaling and rotation. Matrix representations and homogeneous coordinates, Composite transformations. Windowing and clipping. Segments. Interactive input devices. Computer applications with OPGL.
2316 Computer Architecture عمارة الحاسبات
Basic computer organization and design: Computer instructions and their codes, timing and control, execution of instructions. Input, output and interrupt. Central processor organization: Processor bus organization. Arithmetic logic unit, stack organization. Instruction formats. Addressing modes. Data transfer and manipulation, program control. Micro-program, control organization: Control memory. Address sequencing. Arithmetic processor design and algorithms. Input/output organization: Peripheral devices, asynchronous data transfer, direct memory access. Memory organization: Auxiliary memory, virtual memory, cache memory, memory management hardware. Pipeline and vector processing. Multiprocessors. Architecture of high-performance parallel computer systems.
2321 Computer & society الحاسبات و المجتمع
History, moral and social implications of computer technology on society. The course provides students with an understanding of the underlying principles of technology that have an impact on life and how those principles are related to real-world activities. In addition to studying effect of computer insertion it also, study computer age ethics and crime. How far can government detect criminal behaviour without reducing our civil liberties.
2322 Multimedia الوسائط المتعددة
Multimedia Techniques, Multimedia Hardware systems, Screen resolution and screen technology, video accelerator design system, raster graphics (3D-transformation), analog-to-digital conversion, text, sound and video, compression, mixing and displaying, full color capacity. Sound cards, limitations, mixing sound, video and voice. Traffic control and animation.
2323 Computer network شبكات الحاسب
Web technologies: Server-side programs, common gateway interface (CGI) programs, client-side scripts, the applet concept. Characteristics of web servers: Handling permissions, file management, capabilities of common server architectures. Role of client computers. Nature of the client-server relationship. Web protocols .Support tools for web site creation and web management. Developing Internet information servers. Publishing information and applications. Protocols at the application layer. Principles of web engineering. Database-driven web sites. Remote procedure calls (RPC).Lightweight distributed objects. The role of middleware. Security issues in distributed object systems. Enterprise-wide web-based applications. Overview of the history, evolution, and compatibility of wireless standards. The special problems of wireless and mobile computing. Wireless local area networks and satellite-based networks. Wireless local loops. Mobile Internet protocol. Extending the client-server model to accommodate mobility. Mobile data access: server data dissemination and client cache management. Software package support for mobile and wireless computing. The role of middleware and support tools .Performance issues. Emerging technologies.
2324 Signal & Image Processing معالجة الإشارات والصور
Scope and applications of signal & image processing. Image as 2-D signal. The sampling theorem, transformations. The spatial frequency domain operations; Enhancement and Restoration, image segmentation. contour following, Image representation, template matching, region analysis. Descriptive methods in scene analysis. Hardware and software considerations. Applications.
2325 Advanced Operating System نظم تشغيل متقدمة
Fundamental concepts of fault tolerance: reliable and available systems, Spatial and temporal redundancy, Methods used to implement fault tolerance, Examples of reliable systems, reliability, and availability. Outline the range of methods for implementing fault tolerance in an operating system. Explain how an operating system can continue functioning after a fault occurs. Concepts of system performance evaluation. Policies for caching, paging, scheduling, memory management, security, Evaluation models: deterministic, analytic, simulation, or implementation-specific Collection of data evaluation (profiling and tracing mechanisms). Performance metrics for system performance.
2326 Elective- I CS اختياري-I ع.ح
• Object Oriented Programming:
Objects: Object classes and inheritance through, a design example, deriving an object oriented design. Functional oriented design: Data flow diagrams, structure charts, data dictionaries, deriving structure charts, design examples, concurrent systems design. User interface design: User interface design objectives, interface metaphors, WIMP (Window, Icons, Menus, and Pointing) interfaces using colour displays.
• Compiler:
Introduction and overview. Scanning-theory and practice: Regular expressions, finite automata and scanners, scanner generators, practical considerations, translating regular expressions to finite automata. Grammars and parsing: Context frees grammars, parsers and recognizers, grammar analysis algorithms. Semantic processing: Syntax-directed translation, semantic processing techniques. Symbol tables: Basic techniques, block-structured and extensions, Implicit declarations. Run-time storage organization: Static allocation, stack allocation, heap allocation, program layout in memory. Data structures: declaration-processing fundamentals, action routines. Procedures and functions: If statements, loops, case statement, exception handling, passing parameters to subprograms. Code generation and optimization: Register and temporary management, interpretive code generation, generating code from trees and tags, optimizing subprogram calls, loop optimization.
• Algorithms:
Algorithm concept. Analysis and complexity. Design and implementation methods: Divide and conquer: The general method, binary search, merge sort, quick sort, selection, matrix multiplication. Greedy method: The general method, minimum spanning Trees. Dynamic programming: The general method, shortest paths, optimal search trees, and the travelling salesman problem. Backtracking: The general method, The 8-queens Problem. NP-hard and NP-complete problems: Cook’s theorem, NP-hard graph problems.
مواد الفرقة الثالثة – نظم معلومات
3113 Communication Skills مهارات الاتصال
The course introduces students to theories of communication and how to communicating with diverse audiences. The course focuses on written communications like letters, executive summaries, proposals and business reports. Report writing as practiced in the application of computers to do business data processing. The course also focuses on oral communications including listening, presentation skills, interviewing, meetings, and interpersonal communication. Course content also includes note about the importance of communication in team building.
2313 Software Engineering (1) هـنـدسـة الـبـرمـجـيــات (1)
Overview of software engineering, software requirement: requirement engineering processes, system models, software prototyping. Design: architecture design, distributed system architecture, object oriented design, user interface design
3313 Data Communications تراسل بيانات
Network structure, network architecture, the ISO reference model, examples of networks. Network topology: Connectivity analysis, delay analysis, backbone design, local access network design. The physical layer: The theoretical basis for data communication, the telephone system, transmission and multiplexing, terminal handling errors. The data link layer: Elementary data link protocols, sliding window protocols, analysis of protocols. The network layer: Virtual circuits and data-grams, routing algorithms, satellite packet broadcasting. Local networks: Carrier sense networks, ring networks, shared memory systems. The transport and session layers: Transport protects design issues, interconnection of packet-switching networks. The presentation layer: network security and privacy, text compression, virtual terminal protocols, file transfer protocols. The application layer: Distributed data base systems, distributed computations.
4313 Systems Analysis & Design (1) تحليل وتصميم النظم (1)
Fundamental concepts, system definition, user definition, the different types of users, communication gap, system analyst, system management, structure system analysis, system analysis tools data flow diagram (DFD), data dictionary, English structure, decision tables, decision trees. The system life cycle, problem definition and modules, feasibility studies. Source and destination of data, stores, development plan, analysis phase, IPO chart, generating alternatives. Design methods, automation boundary, alternative implementations, system flow chart, system components, cost/benefit analysis, implementation schedule, physical elements, programs, files, manual procedure and training, forms. Analysts recommendation, logic of the process, detailed design, identifying options, system control program, screens, reports and files, test plan, implementation and maintenance.
53133 Project Management إدارة مشروعات
Evaluation, selection, and organization of technical projects. Concepts of the network-based project management methodology. Network development. Project planning, scheduling, control and crashing. Project cost management. Resource constrained projects. A case study approach is adopted during the course. Commercial software packages will be used throughout the course. The course will also introduce some contemporary project management subjects such as: e-projects, and Intelligent project management.
6313 Management Information System نظم معلومات إدارية
Fundamental concepts, objective of information system, definition, message levels, information, knowledge, needs, characteristics, sources, data processing (DP), electronic data processing (EDP), management information system (MIS), decision support system (DSS), office automation system (OAS), executive information system (EIS), expert system (ES), computer based information system (CBIS), types of CBIS, relationships among CBISs, the evolutionary view, the hierarchical view, the contingency view, the importance of CBIS, the nature of information system in different organizations. Management concepts in CBIS, data management, the organization of data, application oriented files and database approach.
1233 Computer & society الحاسبات و المجتمع
History, moral and social implications of computer technology on society. The course provides students with an understanding of the underlying principles of technology that have an impact on life and how those principles are related to real-world activities. In addition to studying effect of computer insertion it also, study computer age ethics and crime. How far can government detect criminal behaviour without reducing our civil liberties.
2233 Multimedia الوسائط المتعددة
Multimedia Techniques, Multimedia Hardware systems, Screen resolution and screen technology, video accelerator design system, raster graphics (3D-transformation), analog-to-digital conversion, text, sound and video, compression, mixing and displaying, full color capacity. Sound cards, limitations, mixing sound, video and voice. Traffic control and animation.
2333 Computer network شبكات الحاسب
Web technologies: Server-side programs, common gateway interface (CGI) programs, client-side scripts, the applet concept. Characteristics of web servers: Handling permissions, file management, capabilities of common server architectures. Role of client computers. Nature of the client-server relationship. Web protocols .Support tools for web site creation and web management. Developing Internet information servers. Publishing information and applications. Protocols at the application layer. Principles of web engineering. Database-driven web sites. Remote procedure calls (RPC).Lightweight distributed objects. The role of middleware. Security issues in distributed object systems. Enterprise-wide web-based applications. Overview of the history, evolution, and compatibility of wireless standards. The special problems of wireless and mobile computing. Wireless local area networks and satellite-based networks. Wireless local loops. Mobile Internet protocol. Extending the client-server model to accommodate mobility. Mobile data access: server data dissemination and client cache management. Software package support for mobile and wireless computing. The role of middleware and support tools .Performance issues. Emerging technologies.
2433 Account Information Syste نظم المعلومات المحاسبية
Overview of transaction processing systems and their implementation for application, e.g., airline reservations, banking, and inventory control. Evolution and history of transaction processing systems. Review of fault tolerance, processing monitors and their implementation, lock managers, recovery managers, file management and access paths, and disaster recovery and data replication. Information retrieval systems. Survey of commercial systems and research prototypes.
2533 Advanced, System Analysis & Design تحليل وتصميم النظم (المتقدمة)
This module aims at enabling the students to understand system design methodologies, tools and techniques available for the design. This module is based on the course given “Information Systems Analysis and Design I”. The course content includes the architectural design (including the identification of architectural alternatives and evaluating them), software and information systems design & application architecture design; the design of IS interfaces. Moreover it introduce system of systems.
2633 Elective I (IS) إختياري 1- ن م
• Library information Systems:
Library as CBIS. Automating Library’s activities: Providing libraries with their materials, paying invoices of dealers and publishers, stock registers, holdings; Cataloguing, mark classification, Circulation, selection and dissemination of information: Bibliographic services, references services. In addition digital library system is introduced
• Biometrics
The course will include: Biometric in the investigation of criminal activities, image and/or signal quality, system design, feature extraction and matching(1:1 or 1:n) for biometric physical elements or behavioural characteristics. This include: fingerprints, palm-print or hand geometry, facial characteristics,, retina and, voice, signature, iris), System performance evolution, Use of multi-modal biometric and, Practical applications
• Intelligent information System:
The goal of the Intelligent Information Systems study is how to generate, manage, search, and mine information and knowledge to achieve good decision. In the course a study of the methods in computational intelligence and data mining is introduced, including nearest neighbour algorithms, clustering techniques, decision trees, fuzzy expert systems, neural networks, local modelling and evolutionary computation. Application to a variety of problems will be introduced throughout the course. Assignment work will be conducted with machine learning toolbox.